Denmark is a small country, with the denmark map made up of the Jutland Peninsula and over 500 islands and a whole lot of places to visit. The country is located in northern Europe, bordered by the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and Germany, which is its only connection to the European mainland. Get the true picture of Denmark and how the various cities of the country are laid out, with the page map of Denmark on our site It will be of great assistance to the visitors. When you plan to visit the country, you would require first hand information of the country's location and the various cities. Map Denmark is simple but useful in providing you with the required information about the cities in Denmark.
Denmark is the smallest Scandinavian country, with the landscape consisting mainly of low-lying, fertile countryside broken by beech woods, small lakes and fjords. Visiting the country would require you to know the country and it regions well. Start with the page of map of denmark on our site Map of Denmark lists all the important cities in Denmark. It will assist you with the task of planning your holiday and sightseeing. Though, the page does not come with all the details but it serves the purpose of knowing the country's location and important places.